Friday, September 4, 2009

Art Star of the Week; Jane Faudree

Star here: I found artist Jane Faudree in a most unusual way; I went on a date with her ex-husband! One date was all he & I needed to see that we weren’t suited, but lucky for me, Jane and I got a great relationship out of that adventure!

Not only is Jane one of our gallery artists, she became a part of the Spectrum Art and Jewelry team. Her extensive art training brings a unique perspective to the gallery. Jane has never met a stranger; in fact, we joke that she appears to be related to everyone in Southeastern North Carolina! We can’t tell you how many times customers discover, after chatting with Jane, that they are in fact distant cousins! Here’s more on the outgoing and loving Jane Faudree.

Star: What was your childhood ambition?
Jane Faudree: To sing.

Star: What is your fondest memory?
Jane Faudree: Always going to Aunt Helen’s on Sunday afternoon to be with the family.

What other jobs have you held besides artist?
Jane Faudree: Oral Surgeon’s Assistant, Art Gallery Manager, Small Business Owner, Kindergarten Music Teacher.

Star: When the well runs dry, how do you recharge your creativity?
Jane Faudree: With music and vino.

Star: Who were your major influences?
Jane Faudree: The French and American Impressionists as well as my father’s love for the arts.

Star: In what other areas of your life do you let your artistry shine?
Jane Faudree: I have always sung, in groups, choirs and solo. I like to decorate my house and landscape my yard. I recently created a unique way to bathe my cat by lowering her into a warm bathtub in her carrier (otherwise, she needs to be tranquilized).

Where’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
Jane Faudree: Venice.

Star: How would you describe your art studio in five words or less?
Jane Faudree: Running over with projects.

Star: Complete this sentence: Art is…
Jane Faudree:…as necessary to life as food and drink.

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